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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Environmental Disclosure in Annual Report of Energy Companies

Question: Discuss about theEnvironmental Disclosure in Annual Report of Energy Companies. Answer: Introduction The main aim of this research is to analyze and evaluate various aspects related to the environmental disclosure for the energy companies of NZ and India. For this reason, the researcher has taken a sample of five energy companies in NZ and five energy companies from India in order to compare the environmental disclosure aspects in their annual reports. Research Questions There are two major questions of this research proposal to achieve the research objectives. The questions are shows below: What are the Environmental disclosure of energy companies in India and NZ? What are these energy companies doing in relation to this? Literature Review GRI Standards 302: The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standard 302 concerns with the topic of energy. Business organizations use to consume various forms of energy like electricity, fuel, heating and others. Businesses can generate energy, they can buy it from external sources and they can get energy from both renewable and non-renewable sources. Thus, it is required for the companies to use energy more efficiently in order to fight with climate change and other environmental issues. This particular standard that is GRI Standard 302 provide information related to the impact of the companies on these energies and the management of them (Globalreporting.org, 2018). GRI Standard 305: The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standard 305 deals with the issues of emission into air that are the discharge of substances from different sources into the atmosphere. Different types of emissions can be seem; they are greenhouse gas (GHG) emission, ozone-depleting sunstones (ODS), emission of nitrogen oxide (NOX), emission of Sulfur oxides (SOX) and others. GRI Standard 305 has set out the reporting requirements on the above-mentioned types of emissions. It needs to be mentioned that the business organizations irrespective of size, type, sector and geographic location can adopt the policies of GRI Standard 305 in order to show the impact of emission (Globalreporting.org, 2018). Methodology For this research program, the researcher will adopt both Qualitative and Quantitative methods of reserahgc. Qualitative Research: In the process of qualitative research method, the researcher will take a sample of five energy companies in NZ and five energy companies from India. After that, he/she will analyze the annual reports of the selected companies to get the view about the energy disclosure of these companies. Thus, the researcher will deal with secondary data (Taylor, Bogdan DeVault, 2015). Quantitative Research: In the process of quantitative research process, the researcher will deal with the energy disclosure data from the selected sample companies. After the collection of the primary data on energy disclosure of the selected sample comapneis, the researcher will apply different statistical methods or tests like descriptive statistical test, correlation and others to get the results (Neuman, 2013). Conclusion From the above discussion, it can be seen that the researcher will take five energy companies in NZ and five energy companies from India for this research. After that, he/she will apply both qualitative and quantitative research method to answer the research questions. References Taylor, S. J., Bogdan, R., DeVault, M. (2015).Introduction to qualitative research methods: A guidebook and resource. John Wiley Sons. Neuman, W. L. (2013).Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. Pearson education. GRI 302: Energy. (2018).Globalreporting.org. Retrieved 21 March 2018, from https://www.globalreporting.org/standards/gri-standards-download-center/gri-302-energy/ GRI 305: Emissions. (2018).Globalreporting.org. Retrieved 21 March 2018, from https://www.globalreporting.org/standards/gri-standards-download-center/gri-305-emissions/

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