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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Long Night Of Sleep - 1543 Words

I wake up after what I thought was a long night of sleep, but based on how tired I feel I assume it wasn’t enough. Today it seems this feeling of everlasting exhaustion is nationwide, everyone relying on sugar and caffeine to wake them up, to keep them going. Some may even go as far as saying they have to have it, that it is a necessity, that they are addicted. Today and much into the past, coffee has been a common drink in the morning for all people so most don’t think twice about what’s actually going into their cup. I go downstairs and pour water into the pot, and as it’s familiar hum fills the air I begin to think. I think of the coffee I am preparing to consume, think of what it actually takes for it to be right here in my cupboard, think of the person that spent their day, their week picking the beans. I’m about to grab the coffee container when everything fades into black, and a new life appears in my eyes. In Guatemala there are many coffee plantations that use children to harvest their 1,000-3,000 pounds of coffee beans a year. One girl is the focus of my dream-like vision, her name is Larrina and she is nine years old. She, like many of the other children there started working when they were six and seven. Because of the low prices farmers often receive for the beans, they have to employ work for very little money, which is why the resort to children like Larrina who get sent to work to make money for their families. Larrina doesn’t get much more than three dollarsShow MoreRelatedThe Importance of a Good Night’s Sleep671 Words   |  3 PagesSpecific purpose: To inform on the importance of sleep. Thesis Statement: Sleeping is a positive attribute, which gives you a better chance to be productive and live a healthier lifestyle. 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